My birthday reflections and outfits!

I’ve always loved those lists people share on their birthdays of the ten things the last year taught them. It’s usually a variety of insightful and life-changing moments that make huge contributions to their personal growth. Or, honestly, sometimes it’s just a list of clichés and things that we might think people want to hear. 

I thought about this for a while and want to share something similar. My list is pretty short, though. I’ve learned what feels like ONE major lesson this year. In theory, this could be two separate points, but as I get older, I learn that most things are connected. Don’t get me wrong, as short as my list is, the impact these realizations and lessons have had on me has been life-changing, too! 

I learned to silence the noise around me.

I guess we are starting with a cliché after all, lol! I’ve heard people use that phrase or describe a similar shift in their lives, but I don’t think I ever really knew what it meant until I lived it. This lesson became clear within the last few months, beginning with my wedding. If you have had a wedding, planned a wedding, or even attended a wedding, you know a lot of details go into it.

If your wedding experience included other people’s involvement, like mine, then YOU KNOW that the process involves many conversations with others. An array of opinions, ideas, etc. It’s just a lot. Throughout the planning process, I found myself having to constantly pull back and take a breather. I felt overwhelmed by the amount of ideas and options that were constantly being shared with me: the suggested guest list, the suggested cake flavor, and the suggested music. Though well-intentioned and even helpful at times, it all became very loud for me. 

It took a lot of introspection, therapy, and bravery to say things like, “I really appreciate you sharing this with me, but I’m not looking for outside opinions right now. I’d really like to figure this out on my own. If I find that I need help, it feels great to know I can count on you.”

I also learned this when I got my rhinoplasty. I was reluctant to share my experience because I was worried about what people would say. Not everyone will admit this, but I’m okay with saying that out loud. I’m unlearning to care about what people think. This is huge for me! I suspected I would get negative comments, and I did. I suspected I would get support, and I got that, too! But had I not had the practice of silencing the noise when I was planning my wedding, I wouldn’t have had the ability to silence it. 

I’m incredibly happy with my decision to fly to Turkey and get a nose job (I know... more on that later). I feel great about myself. I love what I see in the mirror even more, and I love that it’s something I did for myself. 

As a result of learning to silence the noise, I feel like I’ve learned to trust my intuition. 

You’d be so surprised how clear and loud your own voice is when you lower the volume on everyone else’s. This isn’t to say there isn’t value in advice, thoughts, and ideas from others. I still ask my sister what she thinks about things, and I value what my mom shares with me. I have friends who I go to all of the time for advice as well! And although I truly and deeply appreciate their input (most of the time, lol), I don’t seek out external thoughts first anymore.

If I feel like something is off, I trust that. If I feel like something is right for me and my family, I trust that feeling. I trust that I am self-aware and mature enough to make sound decisions for myself and those I love. I’m really proud of that!

Lastly, I’ve learned to slow down.

This one isn’t as enlightening as the first lesson, but it’s important. Jetset Jess is retiring for a bit. Although I LOVE traveling and will continue to do so, I’m in my housewife era. I want to chill at home, explore my city, take on new hobbies, and be present in this new chapter of my life with my husband and my bonus son.

There is so much life to be lived. I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to take another trip around the sun. And who knows… Maybe my list of lessons learned will be longer next year. For now, this feels like enough. I had a wonderful birthday. I wore some outfits I felt really amazing in (details below). And I just had a lot of fun! I think I’m in my simple yet fun era, too, because why not?

Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes. Here are my birthday fits along with the links so you can shop. If you grab any of these, please share photos!



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